Registration Form - 3rd ROASS International Conference

3rd ROASS International Conference

Semiotics’ creativity: unifying diversities, differences, divides
Registration form

Name and surname (author):

Name and surname (co-author/s) :

Academic position:

Address of the author:

(Personal)E-mail address:
(Personal)Phone/Fax: :
Title of paper (Romanian*/English/French):


Abstract (Romanian*/English/French) (up to 175 words):
Selected bibliography (up to five major books):

Title of workshop (Romanian*/English/French):

Short presentation (up to 175 words):
Selected bibliography (up to five major books):

Equipment needed:

Please send the Registration Form (by June, 30, 2010) to the following e-mail address:

* The Romanian participants are kindly asked to send their titles and abstracts both in Romanian and in English or French.