Dear Colleagues,

We are honoured to invite you to participate in
the 2nd Romanian Association of Semiotic Studies (ROASS)
which will be held in Bacău & Slănic-Moldova - ROMANIA
23-25 October 2008


The time for a great change of paradigm – the shift from postmodernity to transmodernity – has already come.
Setting out from existing transformations, diversities (experienced as difference), varieties (perceived as absence of sameness, of routine and monotony), alterities (through a continuous transgressing of borders), transmodernity foregrounds the new phenomenon of the “network world”. The increased cultural complexity of the global(izing/ized) world, which seems to be the raison d’être for “trans-”prefixed domains of action has turned into fertile ground for cross-breeding between several areas of research, such as management, communication studies, marketing and semiotics.
How can transborder exchanges come to terms with processes within borders, how do international power relations influence structures mapped within frontiers, how can differences, varieties etc. be decoded and understood, how can communication be conducted in a “networld” where everything is produced and interpreted at a global level? How can the “relational dynamism” of this new (transcultural) “netocracy” be communicated and controlled? What is its new rhetoric like?
These are just few questions to be debated upon during the 2nd ROASS international conference “Transmodernity: Managing Global Communication”.
The papers can be defended in English, French, or Romanian.

Doina Cmeciu
Traian D. Stănciulescu



16.00 – 17.45

Official opening (Room I)
PhD Prof. Eng. Valentin NEDEFF
Rector of the Univ. of Bacău, Romania

PhD Prof. Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU – ROASS President, “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi

PhD Prof. Doina CMECIU – ROASS Secretary-General, Univ. of Bacău

18.30 – 19.15

Vilmos VOIGT – Eotvos Lorand Univ, Budapest, HUNGARY
Semiotica Transylvaniae Perennis


7.30 – 8.45
Breakfast (Restaurant)

9.00 – 9.45
Plenary Session (Room I)
Solomon MARCUS - Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Signs of God

9.45 – 10.00
Coffee break

Multiculturality (R. I)
Semiotics – (un)managing terminology and methods (R. II)
Challenging identities in a global world (R. III)
Bacău: the living memory of a Moldavian topos – in Romanian (R.IV)
Coffee break

Plenary Session (Room I)
Alexandru BOBOC – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Language and Time
(With Reference to Social Behaviour and Communication
(in Romanian)

Lunch (Restaurant)

Book display

Plenary Session (Room I)
John DEELY - University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA
Semiotics and Academe: At the Heart of the Problem of Knowledge
Plenary Session (Room I)
Mariana NEŢ – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Iconicities, Ideologies

Coffee break

Challenging identities in a global world (R I)
Creative transdialogue: visual arts, music literature (R.II)
Mass-media: the disharmonizing impact power? (R.III)

General Assembly of ROASS Members

Dinner (Restaurant)
10.00 – 12.00
Room I, Chairperson: Doina CMECIU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA

Massimo LEONE – Univ. of Turin, ITALY
Cultures of Invisibility: the Semiotics of the Veil in Ancient Judaism

Farouk Y. SEIF – Antioch Univ. Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA
Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Globalizing World

Lorenzo MAGNANI – Univ. of Pavia, ITALY & Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA The Mediating Effect of Material Cultures as Human Hybridization

Maheshvari NAIDU – Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
(Re)Constructing Identity in Global Culture: (Re)Inscribing the Zulu Female Body in Tourism Consumption

Christian TĂMAŞ – IBC Cambridge, UK
L’islam occidental: le défi de l’ethnicité

Doina CMECIU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Towards a Semiotics of Cultural Needs
10.00 – 12.00

Room II, Chairperson: Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU – “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA

Zdzisław WĄSIK – Adam Mickiewicz Univ. in Poznan & Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, POLAND
Exploring the Semiotic Universals of Language in the Domain of Human Communication

Abraham SOLOMONICK – Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, ISRAEL
The Language of Science in the Light of Semiotics

Anita KASABOVA – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA
The Deictic Field: Bühler’s Contribution to Communication Theory

Viorel GULICIUC – “Ştefan cel Mare” Univ., Suceava, ROMANIA
Non-generic Universality and Abductive Semiotics

George CEAUŞU - “Al.I.Cuza” Univ., Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Semiotics of Human Intelligence

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU – “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
“The Transmodern Turn”: a Plea for a Semiotics of Light
10.00 – 12.00

Room III, Chairperson: Kristian BANKOV – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA

Maria POPOVA - New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
The Intercultural Dialogue in Associative Experiments

Kristian BANKOV – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA
Global Communication and the New Consumer Culture

Piotr P. CHRUSZCZEWSKI – Univ. of Wroclaw & Philological School of Higher Education, POLAND
“Let me bid you farewell …” or Public Discourse on Private Matters

IGA RAAFIE – Kyambogo Univ, UGANDA
Transmondernity of Semotics in African Contexts. Relational Dynamics of African Communication Giants

Lorenza POPESCU – Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Fashion as Expression and Effect of Globalization

Camelia-Mihaela CMECIU & Ana-Maria FERENŢ – Univ of Bacău, ROMANIA
When the Bird Flu Strikes the Corporate Identity: A Semiotic Approach to Corporate Crisis Management

10.00 – 12.00

(in Romanian)
Room IV, Chairperson: Ioan DĂNILĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA

Ioan DĂNILĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Bacău: Living Cultural Memory – a Possible Signifying Interpretation

Ecaterina CREŢU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Signifiants et signifiés des combinaisons lexicales contenant le verbe a fi (être) en roumain

Luminiţa DRUGĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Dès le caravansérail au mall. Une perspective diachronique sur les espace sociopetes

Ana-Maria BOSTAN – MA, Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Postcards - a Means of Promoting Bacău through Time(s)

Monica PĂTRUŢ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Image of the City of Bacău on the Internet

Florinela FLORIA & Ana-Maria FERENŢ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
La ville de Bacău et ses universités dans les médias locaux

16.00 – 18.00

Room I, Chairperson: Aurel CODOBAN – “Babeş-Bolyai” Univ., Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Emilia GULICIUC – “Ştefan cel Mare” Univ., Suceava, ROMANIA
Identité, modernisme, postmodernisme et transmodernisme

Victoria FONARI - Moldova State Univ., THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
National Culture and Globalization

Vasile SPIRIDON – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
„L’Esprit critique dans la culture roumaine“ – entre la modernisation et l’européanisation

Ruslan ŞEVCENCO – The Academy of Sciences, THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
The Evolution of the Local Political System and Globalization

Doina CMECIU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIAMirela ARSITH – “Danubius” Univ., Galaţi, ROMANIA
(Un)managing Communication through Stereotyping

Aurel CODOBAN – “Babeş-Bolyai” Univ., Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Communicational Virtuality of Alterity

Florinela FLORIA – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
L'Autre. Propos pour une sociosémiotique
16.00 – 18.00


Room II, Chairperson: Pavel PUŞCAŞ - Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Jörg ZELLER – Aalborg Univ., DENMARK
The Logic of Visual Communication

Kinga GÁSPÁR - Pazmany Peter Catholic Univ., Budapest, HUNGARY
The Game of Codes in Amateur Theater

Pavel PUŞCAŞ - Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Hypostasis and Hyperstasis of Musical Text

Mariana TÎRNĂUCEANU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Form and Expression in the Contemporary Romanian Pictorial Art; Directions of Communication
Maziar ETEMADI - Aalborg Univ., DENMARK
The Concept of the Symbol in I. Kant's "Critique of Judgement"

Aritia POENARU – National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
A Transmodern Approach to the “(Re)Sacred Architecture”

16.00 – 18.00

Room III, Chairperson: Rodica MARIAN – “Babeş-Bolyai” Univ., Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Bianca BALABAN – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA
TV – The Universal Means of Re/De-Constructing the 21st Century Human Being

Gabriela BIRIS – Univ. of Craiova, ROMANIA
Blogs – A Semiotic Approach

Marinela BURADA – “Transilvania” Univ. of Braşov, ROMANIA
A Critical Approach to Online Dictionaries – Problems and Solutions

Rodica MARIAN – “Babeş-Bolyai” Univ., Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Perspectives of Applied Semiotics: the Status of an Online Dictionary

Gabriel MARDARE – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
ID & IT ou l’émergence de l’identitronique

Borislav GUEORGUIEV – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA
Social Networking in Internet

Sorin PÂRVU - “Al.I.Cuza” Univ., Iaşi, ROMANIA
Communicating through Dictionaries

7.30 – 8.45
Breakfast (Restaurant)

9.00 – 9.45
Plenary Session (Room I)
Lorenzo MAGNANI – Univ. of Pavia, ITALY
& Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA
Semiotic Brains and Artificial Minds.
How Brains Make up Material Cognitive Systems

9.45 – 10.00
Coffee Break

10.30 – 12.00
Workshop: a plea for a cultural charter (Telecomunicaţii Hall)

10.00 – 12.00
Semiotics – (un)managing terminology and methods (R.I)
Creative transdialogue: visual arts, music, literature (R. II)

Book display

Poster presentation:
Ø “Signs of Light”: from Archetypes to (Nano)technology - Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU & Aritia POENARU, “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
Ø Europe Direct Relay (Bacău)

Lunch (Restaurant)

Plenary Session (Room I)
José Maria PAZ GAGO (General Secretary IASS - AIS) - Université de Coruña, Espagne
Pour une nouvelle sémiotique de la mode. Culture, Mode, Art

Multilingualism (R. I)
Semiotics – (un)managing terminology and methods (R. II)
Challenging identities in a global world (R. III)
Bacău: the living memory of a Moldavian topos (R. IV)

Closing ceremony

Farewell dinner (Restaurant)

10.00 – 12.00

Room I, Chairperson: Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU
“Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA

Ivan KASABOV – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA
Cognitive Semiotics or Cogitative Language?

Şerban FOTEA – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Semiosis, a Phenomenon of Resonance

Amalia ANDRONIC – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Beyond the Deadlocks of Communication: Optimizing Semiological Strategies

Nayden YOTOV – New Bulgarian Univ., Sofia, BULGARIA
The Modern Communication. Images with Messages
Ioana FARCAŞ – “Babeş-Bolyai” Univ., Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
“Talking Hands”: Particularities of Sign Language from the Perspective of Cognitive Iconicity

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU & George D. STĂNCIULESCU – “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
The Hierarchies of Light: A Transmodern Approach to the Body-Soul-Spirit Complex

10.00 – 12.00

Room II, Chairperson: Emilia PARPALA – Univ. of Craiova, ROMANIA

Nadia MORĂRAŞU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Intertextual and Ekphrastic Relations Between Verbal and Pictorial Signs in Margaret Atwood’s Cat's Eye

Mihaela CULEA & Andreia SUCIU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Public Networking: from Coffee Houses to Universities

Emilia PARPALA – Univ. of Craiova, ROMANIA
Rethinking Interculturality: Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red

Ioana BOGHIAN – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Garden as Intermediary Space in Ch. Brontë’s Villette

Radu DUMITRU – Bacău County Hospital, Bacău, ROMANIA
The Interface between Image and Text in Photo-Haiku and its Semiotic Valences

Ioan SAVA – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Teenage Colloquial Speech in The Catcher in the Rye
16.00 – 18.00

Room I, Chairperson: Liviu DRUGUŞ – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA

András Sebestyén SZŐLLŐSY – Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, HUNGARY Managing Multilingualism

Petronela SAVIN – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Pour une approche ethnolinguistique de la phraséologie

Mariana-Alexandra DINULESCU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Translation and Globalization

Nicoleta BOTEZ & Liviu DRUGUŞ – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing the English for Business Syllabus through Semiotic Strategies

Gabriela ANDRIOAI – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Conceptual Metaphors Based on Food Idioms

Mihaela BUZATU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Morphological Framing and the Meanings of the Anglicisms in the Romanian Literary Language

Ioana BOGHIAN – Univ of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Discourse of Transition in Victorian Culture

Mihaela VASILOAIA – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA
Linguistic Features of the Language of Advertising
16.00 – 18.00

Room II, Chairperson: Mirela ARSITH – “Danubius” Univ., Galaţi, ROMANIA

Charalampos MAGOULAS – National School of Public Health, GREECE
L’homme de Protagoras dans la Condition Transmoderne

Antonio Ştefan SANDU – “Al.I.Cuza” Univ. of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy

Magulu FAISWAL - Kyambogo Univ., Kampala, UGANDA
Development of Semiotics in the African Context

Mirela ARSITH – “Danubius“ Univ., Galaţi, ROMANIA
Horizons of a Semiotics of Silence

Cristina CÎRTIŢĂ-BUZOIANU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
De l’ « Homo Communicans » à l’ « Homo Politicus ».Pour une définition de l’homme

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Nicoleta BOTEZ – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA
Sign, Semiosis and Symbols for Success in Management

16.00 – 18.00

Room III, Chairperson: Monica PĂTRUŢ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA

Daniela ROVENŢA-FRUMUŞANI – Univ. of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Le discours médiatique en perspective socio-discursive

Sebastian NĂSTUŢĂ – “Petre Andrei” Univ. of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Semiotics of Electoral Communications

Monica PĂTRUŢ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Stavarache versus Sechelariu – a Political Virtual “Duel”

Roxana-Ema DREVE – “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj, ROMANIA
Göran Tunström, L’Oratorio de Noël. À la croisée des arts

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Bianca BALABAN – “George Bacovia” Univ., Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing Collaborativeness through Semiotic Strategies

Valeria-Alina MIRON – “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
The Political Discourse through Pragmatic Lens

Daniel GHERASIM & Adrian GHERASIM – “George Bacovia” University, Bacău, ROMANIA Signs and Significations of Innovation. Policies Concerning the New Products of S.C. URSUS S.A.

Mikolaj SOBOCINSKI - Casimir the Great University, Bydgoszcz, POLAND
Towards the Definition of Metropolitan Discourse and Metropolis in Respect of Urban Semiotics
16.00 – 18.00

(in Romanian)
Room IV, Chairperson: Ioan DĂNILĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA

Ecaterina CREŢU – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Nicu Enea – personnalité artistique de Bacău

Luminiţa DRUGĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Trésors culturels du Bacău

Mihaela BUZATU, Luminiţa DRUGĂ, Petronela SAVIN – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Des éléments d’onomastique dans la région du Bacău

Camelia CMECIU & Monica PĂTRUŢ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Vasile Alecsandri’s Political Discourse – an Ideological Bridge through Time(s)

Ioan DĂNILĂ – Univ. of Bacău, ROMANIA
Popular, regional, dialectal in the specific language of the Moldavian Chango population


Sorana ADAM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Subjectivity/Objectivity in the Photographic Image of the Press

Gabriela ANDRIOAI – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Conceptual Metaphors Based on Food Idioms

Amalia ANDRONIC – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Beyond the Deadlocks of Communication: Optimizing Semiological Strategies

Mirela ARSITH – Danubius University, Galaţi, ROMANIA
Horizons of a Semiotics of Silence

Bianca BALABAN – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
TV – The Universal Means of Re/De-Constructing the 21st Century Human Being

Kristian BANKOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Global Communication and the New Consumer Culture

Gabriela BIRIS – University of Craiova, ROMANIA
Blogs – A Semiotic Approach

Alexandru BOBOC – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Language and Time in Social Behaviour and Communication

Ioana BOGHIAN – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Garden as Intermediary Space in Ch. Brontë’s Villette
The Discourse of Transition in Victorian Culture

Nicoleta BOTEZ & Liviu DRUGUŞ – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing the English for Business Syllabus through Semiotic Strategies

Marinela BURADA – Transilvania University of Braşov, ROMANIA
A Critical Approach to Online Dictionaries – Problems and Solutions

Mihaela BUZATU - University of Bacău, ROMANIA

The Morphological Framing and the Meanings of the Anglicisms in the Romanian Literary Language

Mihaela BUZATU, Luminiţa DRUGĂ, Petronela SAVIN - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Des éléments d’onomastique dans la région du Bacău

George CEAUŞU - Al.I.Cuza University, Iaşi, ROMANIA

The Semiotics of Human Intelligence

Cristina CÎRTIŢĂ-BUZOIANU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
De l’ « Homo Communicans » à l’ « Homo Politicus ».
Pour une définition de l’homme

Piotr P. CHRUSZCZEWSKI – University of Wroclaw & Philological School of Higher Education, POLAND
“Let me bid you farewell …” or Public Discourse on Private Matters

Camelia-Mihaela CMECIU & Ana-Maria FERENŢ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
When the Bird Flu Strikes the Corporate Identity: A Semiotic Approach to Corporate Crisis Management

Camelia CMECIU & Monica PĂTRUŢ - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Vasile Alecsandri’s Political Discourse - An Ideological Bridge through Time(s)

Doina CMECIU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Towards a Semiotics of Cultural Needs

Doina CMECIU - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Mirela ARSITH - Danubius University, Galaţi, ROMANIA
(Un)managing Communication through Stereotyping

Aurel CODOBAN – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Communicational Virtuality of Alterity

Monica CONDRUZ-BACESCU – Academy of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
The Loss of Identity in the Globalisation Age

Semiotics as a Pathway to Spiritual Science: from the Culture of Addiction to Absolute Freedom

Ecaterina CREŢU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Signifiants et signifiés des combinaisons lexicales contenant le verbe a fi (être) en roumain
Nicu Enea – personnalité artistique de Bacău

Mihaela CULEA & Andreia Suciu – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Public Networking: from Coffee Houses to Universities

Ioan DĂNILĂ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Popular, Regional, Dialectal in the Specific Language
of the Moldavian Chango Population

John DEELY - University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA

Semiotics and Academe: At the Heart of the Problem of Knowledge

Mariana-Alexandra DINULESCU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Translation and Globalization

Roxana-Ema DREVE - Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, ROMANIA
Göran Tunström, L’Oratorio de Noël. À la croisée des arts

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Nicoleta BOTEZ – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Sign, Semiosis and Symbols for Success in Management

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Bainca BALABAN – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing Collaborativeness through Semiotic Strategies

Luminiţa DRUGĂ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Dès le caravansérail au mall. Une perspective diachronique sur les espace sociopetes

Trésors culturels du Bacău

Virginia Mihaela DUMITRESCU – Academy of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
Stranded within the Borders of Language

Radu DUMITRU – Bacau County Hospital, Bacău, ROMANIA
The Interface between Image and Text in Photo-Haiku and its Semiotic Valences

Maziar ETEMADI - Aalborg University, DENMARK

The Concept of the Symbol in I. Kant's "Critique of Judgement"

Magulu FAISWAL - Kyambogo University, Kampala, UGANDA

Development of Semiotics in African Context

Şerban FOTEA – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Semiosis, a Phenomenon of Resonance

Ioana FARCAŞ – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
“Talking Hands”: Particularities of Sign Language from the Perspective of Cognitive Iconicity

Florinela FLORIA – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
L'Autre. Propos pour une sociosémiotique

Florinela FLORIA & Ana-Maria FERENŢ - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
La ville de Bacău et ses universités dans les médias locaux

Victoria FONARI - Moldova State University, THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
National Culture and Globalization

Kinga Gáspár - Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, HUNGARY
The Game of Codes in Amateur Theater

Daniel GHERASIM & Adrian GHERASIM – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Signs and Significations of Innovation. Policies Concerning the New Products of S.C. URSUS S.A.

Borislav GUEORGUIEV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Social Networking in Internet

Viorel GULICIUC – Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, ROMANIA
Non-generic Universality and Abductive Semiotics

Emilia GULICIUC – Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, ROMANIA
Identité, modernisme, postmodernisme et transmodernisme

Vladimir IGNATOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Title - to be confirmed

Arleen IONESCU - University of Ploieşti, ROMANIA
Given Love

I.T. JAGODNISHVILI – Tbilisi State Technical University, GEORGIA
Disposition of a Reader as a Problem of Understanding a Text (Based on a Story by Ilia Chavchavadze “Otar’s Widow”).

Crina LEON – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Semiotic Analysis of Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts, Act 3

Massimo LEONE – University of Turin, ITALY
Cultures of Invisibility: the Semiotics of the Veil in Ancient Judaism

Ivan KASABOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Cognitive Semiotics or Cogitative Language?

Anita KASABOVA – New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA
The Deictic Field: Bühler’s Contribution to Communication Theory

Solomon MARCUS - Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Signs of God

Rodica MARIAN – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Perspectives of Applied Semiotics: the Status of an Online Dictionary

Charalampos MAGOULAS – National School of Public Health, GREECE
L’homme de Protagoras dans la Condition Transmoderne

Gabriel MARDARE – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
ID & IT ou l’émergence de l’identitronique

Lorenzo MAGNANI – University of Pavia, Italy & Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA
Semiotic Brains and Artificial MindsHow Brains Make up Material Cognitive Systems - The Mediating Effect of Material Cultures as Human Hybridization

Tamar MEBUKE – Tbilisi State Technical University, GEORGIA
Structure and System of Prose Genres

Laurant MILESI - University of Cardiff, UK
Semiology and Deconstruction: Sign versus Trace

Valeria-Alina MIRON - Babeş – Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
The Political Discourse through Pragmatic Lens

Nadia MORĂRAŞU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Intertextual and Ekphrastic Relations Between Verbal And Pictorial Signs in Margaret Atwood’s Cat's Eye

Genoveva MUNTIANU – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Witchcraft Circle in Romanian Tradition – a Semiotic Interpretation

Maheshvari NAIDU – University of KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
(Re)Constructing Identity in Global Culture: (Re)Inscribing the Zulu Female Body in Tourism Consumption

Sebastian NĂSTUŢĂ – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Semiotics of Electoral Communications

Mariana NEŢ – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Iconicities, Ideologies

Emilia PARPALA – University of Craiova, ROMANIA
Rethinking Interculturality: Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red

Monica PĂTRUŢ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Stavarache versus Sechelariu – a Political Virtual “Duel”

The Image of the City of Bacău on the Internet

Sorin PARVU - Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, ROMANIA

Communicating through Dictionaries

JOSE MARIA PAZ GAGO - Universite de Coruna, ESPAGNE

Pour une noouvelle semiotique de la mode. Culture, Mode, Art

Aritia POENARU – National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
A Transmodern Approach to the “(Re)Sacred Architecture”

Lorenza POPESCU – Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Fashion as Expression and Effect of Globalization

Maria POPOVA – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
The Intercultural Dialogue in Associative Experiments

Pavel PUŞCAŞ - Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Hypostasis and Hyperstasis of Musical Text

IGA RAAFIE – Kyambogo University, UGANDA
Transmondernity of Semotics in African Contexts. Relational Dynamics of African Communication Giants

Daniela ROVENŢA-FRUMUŞANI – University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Le discours médiatique en perspective socio-discursive

Ioan SAVA – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Teenage Colloquial Speech in The Catcher in the Rye

Petronela SAVIN – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Pour une approche ethnolinguistique de la phraséologie

Antonio Ştefan SANDU – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy

Farouk Y. SEIF – Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA
Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Globalizing World

Mikolaj SOBOCINSKI - Casimir the Great University, Bydgoszcz, POLAND
Towards the Definition of Metropolitan Discourse and Metropolis in Respect of Urban Semiotics

Abraham SOLOMONICK – Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, ISRAEL
The Language of Science in the Light of Semiotics

András Sebestyén SZŐLLŐSY – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HUNGARY
Managing Multilingualism

Vasile SPIRIDON – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
L’Esprit critique dans la culture roumaine“ – entre la modernisation et l’européanisation

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
“The Transmodern Turn”: a Plea for a Semiotics of Light

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU & George D. STĂNCIULESCU – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
The Hierarchies of Light: A Transmodern Approach to the Body-Soul-Spirit Complex

Ruslan ŞEVCENCO – The Academy of Sciences, THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
The Evolution of the Local Political System and Globalization

Christian TĂMAŞ – IBC Cambridge, UK
L’islam occidental: le défi de l’ethnicité

Mariana TÎRNĂUCEANU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Form and Expression in the Contemporary Romanian Pictorial Art; Directions of Communication

Mihaela VASILOAIA – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Linguistic Features of the Language of Advertising

Vilmos VOIGT – Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, HUNGARY
Semiotica Transylvaniae Perennis

Jörg ZELLER – Aalborg University, DENMARK
The Logic of Visual Communication

Naiden YOTOV – New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA
Title - to be confirmed

Zdzisław WĄSIK – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan & Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, POLAND
Exploring the Semiotic Universals of Language in the Domain of Human Communication



Bucharest Nord (DEPARTURE) - Bacău (ARRIVAL)

IC551 06.00 - 10.11

R751 11.03 - 15.34

R651 15.00 - 19.17

IC553 17.00 - 21.12

A1653 21.00 - 01.20

R753 23.50 - 04.11

Bacau (DEPARTURE) - Bucharest (ARRIVAL)

R 752 01.30 - 6.00

IC 558 04.11 - 08.35

IC 552 07.08 - 11.23

R 652 10.11 - 14.44

R 754 15.38 - 20.08

IC 554 18.42 - 23.07





NOVEMBER, 1, 2008


Papers must be single-spaced, TNR, 12 and they should have from 8 to 10 pages (notes and references included).

They must include:
- an abstract of 10 lines and 5 keywords (in foreign languages if the paper is in Romanian);
- the author's biographical information (professional title, didactic position, institutional affiliation and email address);
- chapters and subchapters: 1. (the title of the chapter in bold), 1.1. (the title of the subchapter in italics), 1.2., 1.3. etc.;
- pictures saved as jpeg;
- endnotes (the same as the references + page(s));
- references

References may be cited in the text by giving the name of the author(s) and year of publication (in parentheses), e.g.: as mentioned by Morris (1971: 287-294) or (Morris 1971: 297).

All citations in the text must be listed fully in a Reference section at the end of the paper, by alphabetical order of authors, with complete bibliographical details. Journal and book titles must be given in full and italicized.

The Reference list should be presented as follows:

Barthes, Roland ([1965] 1970). Elements of Semiology. A. Lavers and C. Smith (trans.). Boston: Beacon Press.
Fisch, Max H. and Cope, Jackson I. (1952). Peirce at the Johns Hopkins University. In Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, Philip P. Wiener and Frederic H. Young (eds.), 277–311. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bouissac, Paul (1976b). The ‘Golden Legend’ of Semiotics. Semiotica 17 (4), Marcel Danesi (ed.), 371–382, Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

The articles submitted will undergo four stages of peer-reviewing:
- the first stage. The articles are assessed by the technical editor in order to see whether the articles meet the GUIDELINES FOR PAPERS. If the articles do not meet this criterion, the authors are kindly asked to revise their manuscripts by NOVEMBER, 7.
- the second stage. The article will be peer-reviewed. The three reviewers will send to the editors the following assessment chart and the recommendations for the article reviewed:

- the third stage. The authors will be sent the above chart for their article and they will be notified by DECEMBER, 1 as follows:
The paper in its initial form has been accepted;
The paper will be accepted if the author will take into account the reviewers’ recommendations;
The paper will be accepted providing that all the assessment criteria are met;
The paper has been rejected.

- the fourth stage. The authors who were given recommendations should send their final article by DECEMBER, 10.



A. Theory and Methodology

1. Language-Object and Semiotic Meta-Language
From Traditionalism and (Post)Modernism to Transmodernist Patterns
Language of Nature and Nature of Language
Culture vs. Civilization, Technology vs. Humanism
From Computers’ Era to Humanistic Assumption of the World

2. The Know-How of Trans/postmodernist Knowledge and Discourse
(Un)managing terminology and methods
(Dis)functionality of a ‘new’ language?
The game of codes
(Un)controlling means of communicating messages

3. Signs for/of a harmonizing global world
The force of synergetic languages: arts, science and technology, philosophy and religion
Semiotics - the unifying way in the 21st century ?


1. Managing multicultural challenges within an enlarged Europe
Enculturation, ethnicity or/and acculturation, multiculturation and the response of culture-making groups
Global communication: between limits and possibilities, or trials of a changing world
Transcultural communi(cati)on – what to do with language in this new world, or resources of/for an international dialogue
From dialects to Internet slang
Mass Media: the (dis)harmonizing impact power?
Creative transdialogue: visual arts, music, literature
European values versus Romanian values

2. (Re-/de-) Constructing identities in a globalizing world
The human being, a measure of everything ?: transdisciplinary answers
Marketing identities in a global world
A new discourse: diversity in unity: transgressing centres and margins/ public and private/masculinity and femininity etc.

3. Transdisciplinarity: a ‘semiotic bridge’ in a ‘transmodernist world’?
Managing communication in global economy/ markets
(Financial) semiotics - particular signs as a means of predicting exchange rates
(Trans)communication strategies of science unification


BACĂU is a county in the South-Eastern part of Romania. Its area is of 6, 621 sq. kms and the population is about 200,000 inhabitants. The Western part of the county is bordered by the Eastern Carpathian mountains.
The county of Bacău is the birthplace of at least four famous persons:
George Bacovia (1881-1957) – the greatest Romanian symbolist poet

Solomon Marcus (March, 1, 1925) - most renowned Romanian mathematician and semiotician, member of the Romanian Academy, HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THE ROASS
Tristan Tzara (1896 - 1963) – one of the founders of the DADA movement

Nadia Comăneci (1961) – the Romanian gymnast who won five Olympic gold medals and the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event.

SLĂNIC-MOLDOVA, the venue of the 2nd ROASS Conference, is located at 530 m altitudes on the slope of the Eastern Carpathians. Slănic-Moldova is a famous Romanian spa, well-known for its natural curative springs and salt mine microclimate. The most therapeutic prescriptions include: breathing affections, digestive affections, metabolic and nutritional disease or cardiovascular affections. You can find more information about Slănic-Moldova at

VENUS HOTEL is a two-star hotel, the capacity being of 248 rooms (single, double, and two apartments). It has the following facilities: restaurant, bar, treatment base, phone, fridge, TV set and cable TV, elevator, parking, gym room, bowling.

Please see the slide show at the bottom of the page with photos from Bacău and Slănic-Moldova.



100 EURO – ROASS members
250 EURO – nonROASS members

ROASS membership fee – 20 EURO

The Conference fee includes: accommodation (October, 23-25), meals, gala dinner, coffee breaks, conference materials, transportation to Slănic-Moldova, the proceedings of the conference.

THE FEE could be paid by AUGUST, 15 at:




- for Euro: RO44 BUCU347511422511EU01

- for RON: RO87 BUCU347511422511RO01





Mirela Arsith - University of Bacău, Romania

Kristian Bankov - New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Alexandru Boboc - Romanian Academy, Romania

Doina Cmeciu - University of Bacău, Romania

Aurel Codoban - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Liviu Druguş - George Bacovia University, Bacău, Romania

Viorel Guliciuc - Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania

Gheorghe Lazăr - University of Bacău, Romania

Lorenzo Magnani - University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy & Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (Canton), P.R. China

Solomon Marcus - Romanian Academy, Romania

Gabriel Mardare - University of Bacău, Romania

Bogdan Pătruţ - University of Bacău, Romania

Daniela Rovenţa-Frumuşani - University of Bucharest, Romania

Traian D. Stănciulescu - Al.I Cuza University, Iasi, Romania

Vilmos Voigt - University Institute of Folklore, Budapest, Hungary

Zdzisław Wąsik - Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan & Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, Poland


Mihaela Buzatu - University of Bacău, Romania
Camelia Cmeciu - University of Bacău, Romania
Mihaela Culea - University of Bacău, Romania
Ioan Dănilă - University of Bacău, Romania
Luminiţa Drugă - University of Bacău, Romania
Liviu Druguş - George Bacovia University, Bacău, Romania
Ana-Maria Ferenţ - University of Bacău, Romania
Florinela Floria - University of Bacău, Romania
Nadia Morăraşu - University of Bacău, Romania
Ioana Nica - University of Bacău, Romania
Monica Pătruţ - University of Bacău, Romania
Aritia Poenaru - Institutul National de Inventica, Iaşi, Romania
Petronela Savin - University of Bacău, Romania
Vasile Spiridon - University of Bacău, Romania
Andreia Suciu - University of Bacău, Romania



First and last name:

City and Country:

Place of work (department, faculty, university, or others):
Email address:
Mailing address:

Arrival and departure:
Arrival date to Bacau or Slanic-Moldova:
Departure date:

Please send your registration form to, by JULY, 1.


Your abstract should run from 400 to 500 words, 12-point TNR and 1,5 line spacing.
The abstract should refer to:
- the context of the research
- the theoretical background (the research methodology)
- the hypotheses to be discussed
- the empirical data
- the outlines of your conclusions/ findings
The abstract should be sent either in English or French.
The abstract should be submitted to, and by JULY, 1.
Notification of abstract acceptance: JULY, 15.

1st ROASS CONFERENCE - media coverage

Ziarul de Bacău
  • "Asociaţia Româna de Studii Semiotice, împreună cu Facultatea de Litere a Universităţii din Bacău, organizează in perioada 26-28 Octombrie, în staţiunea Slănic-Moldova, la hotel "Venus", Conferinţa Internaţională a Asociaţiei Române de Studii Semiotice. La această amplă manifestare, care are ca tema "Semiotica dincolo de limite", sunt aşteptaţi peste 100 de participanţi din Finlanda, Spania, Italia, Franta, Taiwan, Polonia, SUA, Anglia, Germania şi Republica Moldova. [...]" (26.10.2006 - R.D. Busnea & C. Gherasim -
  • Academicianul Solomon Marcus, personalitate marcantă în peisajul cultural românesc: "Prin abordările şi dezbaterile cu trimitere la tema conferinţei s-a reuşit, cred eu, depăşirea barierelor disciplinare considerate de mulţi specialişti a avea efecte nocive. Importanţa crescândă a semioticii va necesita instituţionalizarea acesteia, deoarece, la această dată, încă nu avem în lume o catedra de semiotica. Un prim pas a fost făcut in Romania, prin crearea Asociaţiei Române de Studii Semiotice, care are sediul la Bacău si căreia îi doresc succese depline. Importanţa rămâne comunicarea, intrarea în dialog cu ceilalţi membri ai comunităţii, împărţirea unor standarde comune atât de cercetare, cât şi de validare a rezulatelor cercetării. Semiotica este o cale a rezolvării acestora" [...]. (30.10.2006 - Dan Busnea -


ROASS is a member of International Association for Semiotic Studies (

The ROASS membership is open to all persons interested in the field of semiotics. Scholars of all disciplines, and other academic professionals whose work bears on the study of signs are kindly invited to join the ROMANIAN ASSOCIATION OF SEMIOTIC STUDIES.

The ROASS membership fee is 20 EURO per year.
5 EURO from this fee will be sent to IASS.



Foreword /9

Keynote papers

Alexandru Boboc - Sémantique et magique dans la structure du langage de communication/ 11
Maria Carpov - Nature vs culture. Limites et voisinages. Nouvelles approches/ 21
David Cornberg - Freeze the body, force the mind: the ritualization of thanatophobia in everyday life/ 34
Jose Maria Paz Gago - Vers une néosemantique créative / 46
Mariana Neţ - Museums and simulacra in a European city / 56
Traian D. Stănciulescu - La început a fost simbolul: despre puterea armonizatoare a semioticii/ 61
Eero Tarasti - On the appearance or the present structure and existential digressions of the subject/ 70
Zdzisław Wąsik - Epistemological perspectives on sign-and-meaning-related concepts: bridging the realm of human nature and culture in semiotic studies / 87

Semiotic (meta)language, a means
of inter-/ transdisciplinary knowledge

George Bondor - Histoire, interpretation, signe culturel. Nietzsche, Heidegger et les limites du langage / 105
Constantin Bunduc - Basmul iniţiatic, un sistem de modelare/optimizare eficient / 115
Emilia Guliciuc - Unu şi Multiplu în cultura română / 126
Rodica Marian - O teorie a alterităţii între lingvistică integrală, personalitate multiplă şi filozofie brahmanică / 137
Genoveva Muntianu - Misterioasa flacără a reginei Loana – Umberto Eco, narativitate şi semiotică / 151

Semiotic methodology,
from specific to general issues

Amalia Andronic - Implicaţii ale metodologiei semiotice în analiza comunicării verbale / 163
Anton Carpinschi - Spre o paradigmă a secularizării. Perspective semio-logice / 170
Victoria Fonari - Semiotica şi metodologia interpretării textului literar / 188
Ioan-Alexandru Grădinaru - Abducţia: calea către o posibilă transgresare a limitelor semioticii? / 194
Viorel Guliciuc - Dincolo de post-modernism: universalitatea non-generică a culturii.
O perspectivă semiotică / 202
Mircea Horubeţ - The limits of the linguistic sign. From word to book / 206
Gheorghe Vlasie - Tipuri de semne, ori dimensiuni ale semnului? / 218

Essential dualities: nature vs culture,
valences of nonverbal language

Florinela Floria - Pentru o semiotică a vecinătăţii / 228
Roxana-Ema Guliciuc - J.M.G. Le Clezio comme produit intercultural / 234
Valeria-Alina Guliciuc - Cluj-Napoca ou l’éloge du multiculturalisme / 241
Lukasz Jezierski & Piotr P. Chruszczewski - Magical verbal behaviour in the Viking Age Iceland.
A discursive preliminary / 244
Lionel Larré - Native Americans on the border of two semiotic spaces / 264
Nicoleta Neşu - Dualităţi esenţiale: raportul natură versus cultură în demersul semiotic / 272
Ioana Nica - Culture and distance in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children / 279
Ana-Maria Stoica - Limbaj şi mentalităţi în Ciocoii vechi şi noi, de Nicolae Filimon / 288

Non-standard semiotics

George Ceauşu - Semiotica şi teoria catastrofelor: continuitate şi discontinuitate între noţiuni / 299
Liviu Druguş - The bioeconomics-bioethics-biopolitics continuum. An attempt to create a trans/postmodern, semiotic, transdisciplinary, teleologic, pragmatic and trialectic/
tri(u)nitary space of knowledge / 310
Veronica Grecu - Le masque et les mots / 321
Gabriel Mardare - My Fair Value. Propos pour une approche ethnosémiolinguistique du mental
comptable dans ses rapports avec les paroles de la foi / 320
Marek Wasiewicz - The semiotic model of football commentary discourse / 346

Resources of verbal language

Gabriela Andrioai - A semiotic approach to texts belonging to scientific discourse / 352
Cătălina Bălinişteanu - The tavern as a cultural sign / 536
Elena Bonta - Semiotic practices within the framework of social semiotics / 367
Raluca Bonta - Verbal and paraverbal signs in hostage negotiation / 377
Cristina-Ioana Chilea - Vassilis Alexakis : Écriture de soi, traduction de l’autre / 385
Elena Ciobanu - Reading Sylvia Plath – a semiotic perspective / 401
Doina Cmeciu - ‘Nice’ signs: the literary character from metonymy to metaphor / 411
Irina Condrea - Rolul paratextului în receptarea operei traduse / 430
Diana Corban - A semiotics of space: the island in John Fowles’s fiction / 439
Tamara Cristei - Discursul poematic eminescian, din perspectivă semiotică / 451
Mihaela Culea - The exploitation of narrative possibilities in Laurence Sterne’s
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman / 463
Mariana-Alexandra Dinulescu - Translation as negotiation / 476
Stephen Morrison - Le General Prologue Des Contes de Canterbury (Geoffrey Chaucer): le problème du narrateur / 489
Nicoleta Neşu - Elemente de analiză semiotică a discursului politic / 503
Adrian Păduraru - Semiotica limbajului teatral. O cale spre fericire / 513
Ioan-Lucian Popa - Semiotics and translation theory / 523
Dumitru Radu - Reprezentări diagramatice în discursul ştiinţific al unor discipline fundamentale şi de graniţă / 528
Adriana-Gertruda Romedea - Approche polyphonique dans l’analyse du discours / 538
Ioan Sava - Discontinuities, thresholds and limits of literature as discursive practice / 550
Andreia Viţăluş - The necessity of inventing a new type of language or Why Come to Slaka? and find the best Rates of Exchange / 560

Valences of nonverbal language (plastic, kinetic, musical, other nonverbal semiotics)

Brînduşa-Mariana Amălăncei - Proximitatea, gestualitatea şi mimica în comunicarea publicitară / 571
Camelia Cmeciu - The iconic ‘faces’ of corruption in political discourse / 580
Aurel Codoban - Corpul de limbaj şi corpul ca limbaj / 593
Giuseppe Dalfino - Form and symbol in a Medieval church: S.Maria Di Gallana (Oria, Italy).
On the symbolism of the religious frescoes / 603
Giuseppe Mele - Form and symbol in a Medieval church: S.Maria Di Gallana (Oria, Italy).
On the symbolism of religious architecture / 614
Nadia Nicoleta Morăraşu - Dickensian fictional names in verbal and non-verbal signifying systems / 625
Sebastian Năstuţă - Semiotica comunicării vizuale comunicarea vizuală şi cucerirea consumatorului / 634
Aritia D. Poenaru - Spre o „arhitectură a luminii”: viziunea integratoare a semioticii / 642
Roxana-Iuliana Popescu - Nonverbal communication in the religious discourse / 650
Doina Mihaela Sava (Popa) - Aspecte ale semioticii corporale: lacrimile şi tăcerea / 661
Traian D. Stănciulescu, George D. Stănciulescu - Luxonics: the science of light and sound symbolical language / 681
Mariana Tîrnăuceanu - On icono-texts: a modern outlook / 692

Science and spirituality,
paradigms of millennium III

Mirela Arsith - Umanul şi divinul: o abordare semiotică în cadrul unei paradigme occidentale / 702
Cristina Cîrtiţă Buzoianu - Rousseau şi semnele libertăţii / 707
Şerban Fotea - Semiotica cuantică a limbajului arhetipal / 712
Christian Tămaş - The Quran: the miracle of sign, the miracle of silence / 724

Semiotics and Communicology

Randall E. Auxier - The trouble with simplicity: four unpoetic forms of historically emergent
human consciousness / 731
Maureen Connolly - Tango as borderland: a semiotic choreology of the politics of limits and sensation / 749
Thomas D. Craig - Zechariah as biblical 'apocalypso': in the borderland between thought and sensation / 757
Ersu Ding - The return of the subject / 771
Richard L. Lanigan - The human science of communicology (semiotic phenomenology) / 779
Øyvind Lyngseth - The dynamic space and time of music / 784
Jörg Zeller - Dynamic sign structures in visual art and music. Visual Art / 795



Official opening of conference (Conference Hall I)
18.15 – 19.00
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professor Eero Tarasti (President IASS - AIS ) – University of Helsinki, Finland
The existential approach to the study of signs - on the borderlines between philosophy and semiotics

19.30 – 21.30
Welcoming dinner


7.30 – 8.45
Breakfast (Restaurant)
9.00 – 9.40
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professor José Maria Paz Gago (General Secretary IASS - AIS) - Université de Coruña, Espagne
Vers une néosémiotique créative

9.45 – 10.30
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Academician Professor Solomon Marcus – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania
Existential semiotics – roots in natural and exact sciences

10.30 – 10.40
Coffee Break
10.40 – 13.00

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Semiotic (meta)language, a means
of inter-/ transdisciplinary knowledge
Conference Hall I
Chairperson: Senior Researcher Rodica Marian

Liviu Druguş – Univ. “George Bacovia” Bacău, Romania
The bioeconomics-bioethics-biopolitics continuum. An attempt to create a postmodernist, semiotic, transdisciplinary, teleologic, pragmatic and trialectic/tri(u)nitary space of knowledge
Emilia Guliciuc - Univ. “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Romania
Unu şi Multiplu în cultura română
Rodica Marian – Romanian Academy, “Sextil Puşcariu” Institute of Linguistics and Literary History, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
O teorie a alterităţii între lingvistică integrală, personalitate multiplă şi filozofie brahmanică
Livia Durac – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Bariere interculturale în metacomunicare
Genoveva Muntianu – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Misterioasa flacără a reginei loana- Umberto Eco, narativitate şi semiotică
Adrian Vizitiu – Univ. “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Romania
Simbolurile, echivalenţii stimulilor lingvistici şi geneza limbajului
Constantin Bunduc – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Basmul iniţiatic, un sistem de modelare/optimizare eficient

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Semiotic methodology, from specific to general issues

Conference Hall II
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Gheorghe-Ilie Fârte

Gheorghe-Ilie Fârte - Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Comunicare, noncomunicare, anticomunicare
Victoria Fonari - Univ. de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Metodologia semiotică în textul artistic
Viorel Guliciuc – Univ. “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava, Romania
Dincolo de post-modernism: universalitatea non-generică a culturii
Mircea Horubeţ – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
The limits of the linguistic sign. From word to book
Ioan-Alexandru Grădinaru – Univ. „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Abducţia: calea către o posibilă transgresare a limitelor semioticii?
Amalia Andronic – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Implicaţii ale metodologiei semiotice în analiza comunicării verbale
Gheorghe Vlasie – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Tipuri de semne sau dimensiuni ale semnului?

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Resources of verbal language

Conference Hall III
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Vasile Spiridon

Mihaela Buzatu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Simbolistica elementelor câmpului lexico-semantic al casei, în nuvela La ţigănci, de Mircea Eliade
Doina Cmeciu - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Casa – semn cultural al spaţiului englezesc. O perspectivă diacronică
Ecaterina Creţu - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Dicţionar ilustrat - Casa şi gospodăria tradiţională de pe Valea Trotuşului
George Bacovia “Şi toate din casă mi-s sfinte…”
Ioan Dănilă – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Casa ca amprentă culturală
Luminiţa Drugă – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Spaţii ale pe-trecerii în textul sadovenian
Adrian Jicu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Casa ca personaj în Great Expectations de Charles Dickens şi Cartea nunţii de George Călinescu
Violeta Popa & Alin Popa – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Casa tradiţională din Moldova. Spaţii ale trecerii
Petronela Savin – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
‘Vatra’ – drumul unei imagini din terminologia locuinţei
Vasile Spiridon – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Ambientul camilpetrescian

13.00 – 13.10
Coffee Break
13.10 – 13.30
Poster presentation

Traian Stănciulescu & Aritia D. Poenaru – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
The clothing of light: healthy effects of the symbolical language

13.30 – 14.00
Book presentation and sale
14.00 – 15.00
Lunch (Restaurant)
15.00 – 15.40
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Dr David Cornberg – Taipei, Taiwan
Freeze the body, force the mind: the ritualization of thanatophobia in everyday life

15.45 – 16.30
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professor Zdzisław Wąsik – University Adam Mickiewicz Poznań, Poland
Epistemological perspectives on sign-and-meaning-related concepts: bridging the realm of human nature and culture in semiotic studies

16.30 – 16.40
Coffee Break
16.40 – 18.00

16.40 – 18.00
Session: Essential dualities: nature vs culture, valences of nonverbal language

Conference Hall I
Chairperson: Prof. Lionel Larré

Roxana-Ema Guliciuc – Univ. “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
J.M.G. Le Clezio comme produit intercultural
Lionel Larré – Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, France
Native Americans on the border of two semiotic spaces
Florinela Floria - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Spre o semiotică a vecinătăţii
Ioana Nica – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Culture and distance in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children
Valeria-Alina Guliciuc - Univ. “Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Cluj-Napoca ou l’éloge de la multiculturalité
Ana-Maria Stoica – Univ. of Piteşti, Romania
Limbaj şi mentalităţi în Ciocoii vechi şi noi de Nicolae Filimon

16.40 – 18.00
Session: Non-standard semiotics

Conference Hall II
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Gabriel Mardare

Roxana Brânzei – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
De la unificare la comuniune – Repere semiotice ale comunicării terapeutice
George Ceauşu – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Semiotics and catastrophe theory: continuity and discontinuity between concepts
Gabriel Mardare – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
My Fair Value. Propos pour une approche ethnosémiolinguistique du mental comptable dans ses rapports avec les paroles de la foi
Veronica Grecu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Le masque et les mots
Gheorghe Epuran – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
De l’esthétique à la sensibilité: une approche sémiotique des produits de luxe

16.40 – 18.00
Session: Resources of verbal language

Conference Hall III
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Ioan-Lucian Popa

Irina Condrea - Univ. de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, Republica Moldova
Rolul paratextului în receptarea operei traduse
Mariana-Alexandra Dinulescu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Translation as negotiation
Gabriela Andrioai – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
A semiotic approach to texts belonging to the scientific discourse
Dumitru Radu – Bacău County Hospital, Romania
Reprezentări diagramatice în discursul ştiinţific al unor discipline fundamentale şi de graniţă
Ioan-Lucian Popa – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Semiotics and translation theory

18.00 - 18.15
18.15 – 19.15
Coffee Break
General Assembly of ROASS members
20.30 – 21.30
Dinner (Restaurant)
Poetry, music and theatre


7.30 – 8.45
Breakfast (Restaurant)
9.00 – 9.40
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professeur Alexandru Boboc – membre de l’ Académie Roumaine, Roumanie
Sémantique et magique dans la structure du langage de communication

9.45 – 10.30
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professeur Maria Carpov – Université “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Roumanie
Nature vs culture. Nouvelles approaches

10.30 – 10.40
Coffee Break
10.40 – 13.00

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Valences of nonverbal language (plastic, kinetic, musical, other nonverbal semiotics)

Conference Hall I
Chairperson: Dr. Giuseppe Mele

Giuseppe Mele – Univ. of Bari, Italy
Form and symbol in a Medieval church: S.Maria Di Gallana (Oria, Italy). On the symbolism of religious architecture
Giuseppe Dalfino – Univ. of Bari, Italy
Form and symbol in a Medieval church: S.Maria Di Gallana (Oria, Italy). On the symbolism of the religious frescoes
Traian Stănciulescu, George D. Stănciulescu – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Luxonics: the science of light and sound symbolical language
Aritia D. Poenaru – Institutul Naţional de Inventică, Iaşi, Romania
The architecture of light: a semiotic approach
Roxana-Iuliana Popescu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Nonverbal communication in the religious discourse
Doina Mihaela Sava (Popa) – Univ. “Petre Andrei” Iaşi, Romania
Semiotica corporală şi literatura: lacrimile şi tăcerea – câteva aspecte
Mariana Tîrnăuceanu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
On icono-texts: a modern outlook

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Resources of verbal language

Conference Hall II
Chairperson: Prof. Doina Cmeciu

Elena Ciobanu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Reading Sylvia Plath – a semiotic perspective
Doina Cmeciu - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
‘Nice’ signs: the literary character from metonymy to metaphor
Tamara Cristei - Univ. de Stat din Moldova, Republica Moldova
Le discours éminescien dans la perspective sémiotique
Mihaela Culea – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
The exploitation of narrative possibilities in Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
Andreia Viţăluş – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Malcolm Bradbury’s necessity of inventing a new type of language or Why Come to Slaka? and Find the Best Rates of Exchange

10.40 – 13.00
Session: Science and spirituality, paradigms of millenium III

Conference Hall III
Chairperson: Prof. Nicolae Râmbu

Nicolae Râmbu – Univ. “Al. I . Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Considerations on the symbolic form of art at Hegel
Mirela Arsith – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Semnele umanului şi semnele divinului
Elena Bulai – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Métamorphose du signe: du religieux au laïque, de l’abstrait au concret
Cristina Cîrtiţă Buzoianu - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Rousseau şi semnele libertăţii
Şerban Fotea – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Quantum semiotics of archetypal language
Christian Tămaş – IBC Cambridge, UK & Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Coranul – Miracolul semnului, miracolul tăcerii

13.00 – 14.00
Lunch (Restaurant)

14.00 – 14.40
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professor Mariana Neţ – Romanian Academy, Institute of Linguistics, Bucharest, Romania
Museums and simulacra in a European city

14.40 – 15.30
Plenary Session (Conference Hall I)

Professor Traian Stănciulescu – University “Al.I.Cuza” of Iaşi, Romania
In the beginning was the symbol: on the harmonizing power of semiotics

15.30 – 15.40
Coffee Break

15.40 – 18.00
Session: Resources of verbal language

Conference Hall I
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Elena Bonta

Cătălina Bălinişteanu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
The tavern as a semiotic sign
Livia Durac – Univ. “Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania
Limbajul verbal, fundament al dezvoltării ontologice umane
Elena Bonta – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Semiotic practices within the framework of social semiotics
Raluca Bonta – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Verbal and paraverbal signs in hostage negotiation
Diana Corban – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
A semiotics of space: the island in John Fowles’s fiction

15.40 – 18.00
Session: Valences of nonverbal language (plastic, kinetic, musical, other nonverbal semiotics)

Conference Hall II
Chairperson: Prof. Aurel Codoban

Aurel Codoban – Univ. “Babes-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Corpul de limbaj şi corpul ca limbaj. Problemele constitutive ale unei semiotici gestuale
Camelia Cmeciu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
The iconic faces of ‘corruption’ in political discourse
Nadia Nicoleta Morăraşu – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Dickensian fictional names in verbal and non-verbal signifying systems
Sebastian Năstuţă – Univ. “Petre Andrei” Iaşi, Romania
Semiotica identităţii vizuale: comunicarea vizuală şi cucerirea consumatorului
Brînduşa-Mariana Amălăncei – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Proximitatea, gestualitatea şi mimica în comunicarea publicitară

15.40 – 18.00
Session: Resources of verbal language

Conference Hall III
Chairperson: Associate Prof. Adriana Romedea

Stephen Morrison – Université de Poitiers, France
Le Prologue Général des Contes de Canterbury: le problème du narrateur
Adriana-Gertruda Romedea - Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Approche polyphonique dans l’analyse du discourse
Adrian Păduraru - President of ArtEd, Romania
The semiotics of theatre – a way to happiness
Ioan Sava – Univ. of Bacău, Romania
Discontinuities, thresholds and limits of literature as discursive practice

18.00 – 19.00
Semiotics and comunicology: round table
Chairperson : Prof. Traian Stănciulescu
On-Line Coordinator: Prof. Viorel Guliciuc

Richard L. Lanigan – Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA
The human science of communicology (semiotic phenomenology)
Jean-Claude Mbarga – Université de Yaoundé, Cameroun
Sociosémiotique de la diversité à l'ère de la Globalisation
Randall E. Auxier - Southern Illinois University , Carbondale, USA
The trouble with simplicity: four unpoetic forms of historically emergent human consciousness
Maureen Connolly - Brock University, USA
Tango as borderland: a semiotic choreology of the politics of limits and sensation
Thomas D. Craig - International Communicology Institute, USA
Zechariah as biblical 'apocalypso': a communicology of the borderland between thought and sensation
Ersu Ding – Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, Pr China
The return of the subject
Geo Goidaci – University of Munchen, Germany
From nature to culture: on the symbolical language of plastic arts
Øyvind Lyngseth – Aalborg University, Denmark
Dynamic sign structures in visual art and music. Music as symbolic form.
Jörg Zeller – Aalborg University, Denmark
Dynamic sign structures in visual art and music. Visual Art.
Susan Petrilli & Augusto Ponzio – University of Bari, Italy
Semiotics unbounded

19.00 – 19.30
Closing festivities
20.00 – 22.30
Farewell dinner