Sorana ADAM – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Subjectivity/Objectivity in the Photographic Image of the Press

Gabriela ANDRIOAI – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Conceptual Metaphors Based on Food Idioms

Amalia ANDRONIC – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Beyond the Deadlocks of Communication: Optimizing Semiological Strategies

Mirela ARSITH – Danubius University, Galaţi, ROMANIA
Horizons of a Semiotics of Silence

Bianca BALABAN – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
TV – The Universal Means of Re/De-Constructing the 21st Century Human Being

Kristian BANKOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Global Communication and the New Consumer Culture

Gabriela BIRIS – University of Craiova, ROMANIA
Blogs – A Semiotic Approach

Alexandru BOBOC – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Language and Time in Social Behaviour and Communication

Ioana BOGHIAN – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
The Garden as Intermediary Space in Ch. Brontë’s Villette
The Discourse of Transition in Victorian Culture

Nicoleta BOTEZ & Liviu DRUGUŞ – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing the English for Business Syllabus through Semiotic Strategies

Marinela BURADA – Transilvania University of Braşov, ROMANIA
A Critical Approach to Online Dictionaries – Problems and Solutions

Mihaela BUZATU - University of Bacău, ROMANIA

The Morphological Framing and the Meanings of the Anglicisms in the Romanian Literary Language

Mihaela BUZATU, Luminiţa DRUGĂ, Petronela SAVIN - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Des éléments d’onomastique dans la région du Bacău

George CEAUŞU - Al.I.Cuza University, Iaşi, ROMANIA

The Semiotics of Human Intelligence

Cristina CÎRTIŢĂ-BUZOIANU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
De l’ « Homo Communicans » à l’ « Homo Politicus ».
Pour une définition de l’homme

Piotr P. CHRUSZCZEWSKI – University of Wroclaw & Philological School of Higher Education, POLAND
“Let me bid you farewell …” or Public Discourse on Private Matters

Camelia-Mihaela CMECIU & Ana-Maria FERENŢ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
When the Bird Flu Strikes the Corporate Identity: A Semiotic Approach to Corporate Crisis Management

Camelia CMECIU & Monica PĂTRUŢ - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Vasile Alecsandri’s Political Discourse - An Ideological Bridge through Time(s)

Doina CMECIU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Towards a Semiotics of Cultural Needs

Doina CMECIU - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Mirela ARSITH - Danubius University, Galaţi, ROMANIA
(Un)managing Communication through Stereotyping

Aurel CODOBAN – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Communicational Virtuality of Alterity

Monica CONDRUZ-BACESCU – Academy of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
The Loss of Identity in the Globalisation Age

Semiotics as a Pathway to Spiritual Science: from the Culture of Addiction to Absolute Freedom

Ecaterina CREŢU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Signifiants et signifiés des combinaisons lexicales contenant le verbe a fi (être) en roumain
Nicu Enea – personnalité artistique de Bacău

Mihaela CULEA & Andreia Suciu – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Public Networking: from Coffee Houses to Universities

Ioan DĂNILĂ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Popular, Regional, Dialectal in the Specific Language
of the Moldavian Chango Population

John DEELY - University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA

Semiotics and Academe: At the Heart of the Problem of Knowledge

Mariana-Alexandra DINULESCU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Translation and Globalization

Roxana-Ema DREVE - Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj, ROMANIA
Göran Tunström, L’Oratorio de Noël. À la croisée des arts

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Nicoleta BOTEZ – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Sign, Semiosis and Symbols for Success in Management

Liviu DRUGUŞ & Bainca BALABAN – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Managing Collaborativeness through Semiotic Strategies

Luminiţa DRUGĂ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Dès le caravansérail au mall. Une perspective diachronique sur les espace sociopetes

Trésors culturels du Bacău

Virginia Mihaela DUMITRESCU – Academy of Economic Studies, ROMANIA
Stranded within the Borders of Language

Radu DUMITRU – Bacau County Hospital, Bacău, ROMANIA
The Interface between Image and Text in Photo-Haiku and its Semiotic Valences

Maziar ETEMADI - Aalborg University, DENMARK

The Concept of the Symbol in I. Kant's "Critique of Judgement"

Magulu FAISWAL - Kyambogo University, Kampala, UGANDA

Development of Semiotics in African Context

Şerban FOTEA – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Semiosis, a Phenomenon of Resonance

Ioana FARCAŞ – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
“Talking Hands”: Particularities of Sign Language from the Perspective of Cognitive Iconicity

Florinela FLORIA – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
L'Autre. Propos pour une sociosémiotique

Florinela FLORIA & Ana-Maria FERENŢ - University of Bacău, ROMANIA
La ville de Bacău et ses universités dans les médias locaux

Victoria FONARI - Moldova State University, THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
National Culture and Globalization

Kinga Gáspár - Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Budapest, HUNGARY
The Game of Codes in Amateur Theater

Daniel GHERASIM & Adrian GHERASIM – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Signs and Significations of Innovation. Policies Concerning the New Products of S.C. URSUS S.A.

Borislav GUEORGUIEV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Social Networking in Internet

Viorel GULICIUC – Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, ROMANIA
Non-generic Universality and Abductive Semiotics

Emilia GULICIUC – Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, ROMANIA
Identité, modernisme, postmodernisme et transmodernisme

Vladimir IGNATOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Title - to be confirmed

Arleen IONESCU - University of Ploieşti, ROMANIA
Given Love

I.T. JAGODNISHVILI – Tbilisi State Technical University, GEORGIA
Disposition of a Reader as a Problem of Understanding a Text (Based on a Story by Ilia Chavchavadze “Otar’s Widow”).

Crina LEON – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Semiotic Analysis of Henrik Ibsen’s Ghosts, Act 3

Massimo LEONE – University of Turin, ITALY
Cultures of Invisibility: the Semiotics of the Veil in Ancient Judaism

Ivan KASABOV – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
Cognitive Semiotics or Cogitative Language?

Anita KASABOVA – New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA
The Deictic Field: Bühler’s Contribution to Communication Theory

Solomon MARCUS - Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Signs of God

Rodica MARIAN – Babeş Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Perspectives of Applied Semiotics: the Status of an Online Dictionary

Charalampos MAGOULAS – National School of Public Health, GREECE
L’homme de Protagoras dans la Condition Transmoderne

Gabriel MARDARE – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
ID & IT ou l’émergence de l’identitronique

Lorenzo MAGNANI – University of Pavia, Italy & Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou (Canton), CHINA
Semiotic Brains and Artificial MindsHow Brains Make up Material Cognitive Systems - The Mediating Effect of Material Cultures as Human Hybridization

Tamar MEBUKE – Tbilisi State Technical University, GEORGIA
Structure and System of Prose Genres

Laurant MILESI - University of Cardiff, UK
Semiology and Deconstruction: Sign versus Trace

Valeria-Alina MIRON - Babeş – Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
The Political Discourse through Pragmatic Lens

Nadia MORĂRAŞU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Intertextual and Ekphrastic Relations Between Verbal And Pictorial Signs in Margaret Atwood’s Cat's Eye

Genoveva MUNTIANU – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Witchcraft Circle in Romanian Tradition – a Semiotic Interpretation

Maheshvari NAIDU – University of KwaZulu-Natal, SOUTH AFRICA
(Re)Constructing Identity in Global Culture: (Re)Inscribing the Zulu Female Body in Tourism Consumption

Sebastian NĂSTUŢĂ – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Semiotics of Electoral Communications

Mariana NEŢ – Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Iconicities, Ideologies

Emilia PARPALA – University of Craiova, ROMANIA
Rethinking Interculturality: Orhan Pamuk’s My Name Is Red

Monica PĂTRUŢ – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Stavarache versus Sechelariu – a Political Virtual “Duel”

The Image of the City of Bacău on the Internet

Sorin PARVU - Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi, ROMANIA

Communicating through Dictionaries

JOSE MARIA PAZ GAGO - Universite de Coruna, ESPAGNE

Pour une noouvelle semiotique de la mode. Culture, Mode, Art

Aritia POENARU – National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
A Transmodern Approach to the “(Re)Sacred Architecture”

Lorenza POPESCU – Romanian Academy Library, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Fashion as Expression and Effect of Globalization

Maria POPOVA – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, BULGARIA
The Intercultural Dialogue in Associative Experiments

Pavel PUŞCAŞ - Music Academy Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Hypostasis and Hyperstasis of Musical Text

IGA RAAFIE – Kyambogo University, UGANDA
Transmondernity of Semotics in African Contexts. Relational Dynamics of African Communication Giants

Daniela ROVENŢA-FRUMUŞANI – University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Le discours médiatique en perspective socio-discursive

Ioan SAVA – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Teenage Colloquial Speech in The Catcher in the Rye

Petronela SAVIN – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Pour une approche ethnolinguistique de la phraséologie

Antonio Ştefan SANDU – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Quantum Metaphysic – New Dimensions of Metaphysics in a Transmodern Philosophy

Farouk Y. SEIF – Antioch University Seattle, Seattle, Washington, USA
Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Globalizing World

Mikolaj SOBOCINSKI - Casimir the Great University, Bydgoszcz, POLAND
Towards the Definition of Metropolitan Discourse and Metropolis in Respect of Urban Semiotics

Abraham SOLOMONICK – Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, ISRAEL
The Language of Science in the Light of Semiotics

András Sebestyén SZŐLLŐSY – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HUNGARY
Managing Multilingualism

Vasile SPIRIDON – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
L’Esprit critique dans la culture roumaine“ – entre la modernisation et l’européanisation

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU – Al.I.Cuza University of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
“The Transmodern Turn”: a Plea for a Semiotics of Light

Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU & George D. STĂNCIULESCU – “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi & National Institute of Inventics, ROMANIA
The Hierarchies of Light: A Transmodern Approach to the Body-Soul-Spirit Complex

Ruslan ŞEVCENCO – The Academy of Sciences, THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDAVIA
The Evolution of the Local Political System and Globalization

Christian TĂMAŞ – IBC Cambridge, UK
L’islam occidental: le défi de l’ethnicité

Mariana TÎRNĂUCEANU – University of Bacău, ROMANIA
Form and Expression in the Contemporary Romanian Pictorial Art; Directions of Communication

Mihaela VASILOAIA – George Bacovia University, Bacău, ROMANIA
Linguistic Features of the Language of Advertising

Vilmos VOIGT – Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, HUNGARY
Semiotica Transylvaniae Perennis

Jörg ZELLER – Aalborg University, DENMARK
The Logic of Visual Communication

Naiden YOTOV – New Bulgarian University, BULGARIA
Title - to be confirmed

Zdzisław WĄSIK – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan & Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, POLAND
Exploring the Semiotic Universals of Language in the Domain of Human Communication