BACĂU is a county in the South-Eastern part of Romania. Its area is of 6, 621 sq. kms and the population is about 200,000 inhabitants. The Western part of the county is bordered by the Eastern Carpathian mountains.
The county of Bacău is the birthplace of at least four famous persons:
George Bacovia (1881-1957) – the greatest Romanian symbolist poet

Solomon Marcus (March, 1, 1925) - most renowned Romanian mathematician and semiotician, member of the Romanian Academy, HONORARY PRESIDENT OF THE ROASS
Tristan Tzara (1896 - 1963) – one of the founders of the DADA movement

Nadia Comăneci (1961) – the Romanian gymnast who won five Olympic gold medals and the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event.

SLĂNIC-MOLDOVA, the venue of the 2nd ROASS Conference, is located at 530 m altitudes on the slope of the Eastern Carpathians. Slănic-Moldova is a famous Romanian spa, well-known for its natural curative springs and salt mine microclimate. The most therapeutic prescriptions include: breathing affections, digestive affections, metabolic and nutritional disease or cardiovascular affections. You can find more information about Slănic-Moldova at http://www.padureadepini.ro/en/Atractii/Slanic_Moldova.htm

VENUS HOTEL is a two-star hotel, the capacity being of 248 rooms (single, double, and two apartments). It has the following facilities: restaurant, bar, treatment base, phone, fridge, TV set and cable TV, elevator, parking, gym room, bowling.

Please see the slide show at the bottom of the page with photos from Bacău and Slănic-Moldova.